Time when You Read

Rabu, 12 November 2008

R U Positive?

South Africa tries a novel method to promote HIV testing.

By Jesse Ellison

South Africans are no strangers to AIDS-awareness campaigns. Billboards urging testing and posters promoting condoms and abstinence line the roadsides. They're there for good reason: the country has the highest incidence of HIV-positive citizens of anywhere in the world. In some areas, 40 percent of people are infected. But despite those numbers, and despite the campaigns, only about 2 percent of South Africans have ever even been tested. "There are a lot of campaigns out there, and a lot of different messages. But the messages are so generic," says digital media consultant Gustav Praekelt. "It's like, 'You must get tested.' Well, then what?" Praekelt's organization, the Praekelt Foundation, a South Africa-based nonprofit that uses mobile technology to combat the impacts of poverty, is now trying an unlikely medium to make the message stand out: text messaging.

Beginning last month, the Praekelt Foundation, as part of a larger program called Project Masiluleke, has been sending short messages embedded in the "Please Call Me" SMS messages sent regularly throughout South Africa. For now, the messages are general, asking people to call the national AIDS hotline if they want information about testing or have questions about virus transmission. But in this first trial period, calls almost immediately quadrupled to 4,000 per day. The results suggest something pretty simple: direct messages received on a personal mobile device are proving more effective than countless giant billboards. "Our maximum response time is 8pm," Praekelt says. "We'll send the messages throughout the day, but at 8 in the evening is when people call back. People are basically sitting with these messages all day, and then deciding to do something about it."

The biggest hurdle so far has been in the capacity of the hotlines to handle the volume of phone calls. Project Masiluleke's organizers are hoping to supplement staff at the local call centers, but they also plan to implement "virtual call centers," which will be staffed off-site by trained counselors who are themselves HIV positive. According to organizers, these call centers could not only create jobs and increase the capacity of the health response, but also pave the way for the final, most important phase of the project: free at-home testing kits supplemented with a widespread, easy-to-reach network of counselors who can talk people through their results.

For now, though, organizers are focused on phase one. The project's long-term efficacy remains to be seen, and South Africa has certainly seen its share of educational efforts try and fail. Still, according to project organizers, if just 1 percent of those reached by the 365 million messages that will be sent out in the next year actually get tested, that number will exceed the number of South Africans tested in the whole of the country's history. That's a pretty big impact for such a short message.

Everything must go ... now

This holiday season is shaping up to be the battle of the better deal — and it's a bloody battle indeed.

For months, retailers have been throwing themselves at consumers with promotions, yet October results show such efforts aren't yielding much, with same-store sales coming out negative across retail sectors. Less than three weeks away from Black Friday — the biggest U.S. shopping day of the year — retailers are bracing themselves for what promises to be the weakest holiday season in decades.

It's a fear that's turning what once were high-end department stores into outlet-style versions of themselves and mass-market retailers into dollar stores. At Saks Fifth Avenue, where same-store sales plummeted 16.6 percent last month, a $1,030 pair of Christian Louboutin boots can be purchased for $618. At Old Navy, where sales at stores open more than a year were down 20 percent last month, winter gloves and scarves were $1 apiece last weekend.

"I have never seen any environment like this," says retail analyst Jennifer Black, who has followed the industry for nearly 30 years. "The fight is on ... They are all scared."

Department stores were hardest hit last month, with an average 12.8 percent decline in same-store sales. As a result, retailers like J.C. Penney and Nordstrom are doing anything they can to one-up their competitors for consumers' attention. And they have no shame.

At Penney's, where same-store sales fell 13 percent, "The Biggest Sale of Them All" has items marked as much as 60 percent off. At Neiman Marcus, where same-store sales plunged nearly 27 percent last month, a promotion called "First Call Sale" has new items that typically don't go on sale right away marked down as much as 40 percent the moment they hit shelves.

Nordstrom, where same-store sales were down 15.7 percent this October, is using its price-matching strategy to compete with others vying for shoppers — following suit on sales at Saks and Neiman by honoring their discounted prices. And while Nordstrom typically offers double-rewards points for five-day periods during sales, this year the double-points perk that gets customers a $20 coupon for spending $500 is lasting 69 days, until yearend. The hope is that customers will amass points and return for more.

Daniel Craig to be a rea-life James Bond

Royal Marines will honour the 007 star

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Daniel Craig is set to receive an honorary Green Beret from the British Royal Marines.

The actor will have to complete a gruelling endurance test at the military unit's training headquarters.

But with all the stunts he's doing for forthcoming James Bond film Quantum Of Solace, he's in good shape.

‘I’m just doing very, very hard, strenuous rehearsal. I’m loving it,’ he tells the Sunday Express.

Ian Fleming's fictional hero's full title is Commander James Bond - he served in the Royal Navy before joining MI6.

Daniel, 40, was escorted by Marines in a speed boat ride up the River Thames to announce his appointment as 007 in 2005.

He will be the first Bond star to receive the tribute.

Daniel Craig to sell 007 watch for charity

Daniel Craig to sell 007 watch for charity
Actor raising money for Children In Need

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Daniel Craig is helping Children In Need raise money by auctioning off personal memorabilia.

The actor, 40, donated his £15,000 Omega watch – similar to the one he wore in Quantum Of Solace – on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross last month.

And he’s hoping it will raise a generous sun for the charity on eBay.

Other items in the auction – which kicked off yesterday – include a lap of the Top Gear track with The Stig, a day in the Saturday Kitchen studio and a Pudsey bear signed by this year's Strictly Come Dancing stars.

Bidding will close on 20 November.

Ira Wibowo Akan Main Film Sampai Tua

Ira Wibowo Akan Main Film Sampai Tua (jangan dong kan udah jadi nenek2)

Sosok Ira Wibowo didunia akting sepertinya tak diragukan lagi. Meski telah memiliki segalanya, ia mengaku akan tetap berakting sampai tua.

Kakak dari Ari Wibowo ini mengaku tidak akan berhenti berkarya di dunia akting. Istri Katon Bagaskara ini pun akan menggeluti dunia film hingga dirinya tua.

“Saya rasa akting tidak mengenal usia. Saya akan jalan terus dibidang ini,” ungkap Ira ketika berada di Cilandak Town Square, Jakarta Selatan.

Wanita kelahiran Jawa-Jerman itu pun menambahkan, kalau dirinya sudah jatuh cinta dengan film. Hal itu dikarenakan dirinya telah menggeluti dunia akting sejak 24 tahun lalu.

“Akting adalah wadah saya untuk berekspresi. Saya menemukan banyak tantangan dan ilmu dari akting,” terangnya.


rabu 28 Februari 2008

Setelah 4 tahun tidak mengeluarkan album, akhirnya juara Indonesia Idol I, Delon mengeluarkan album keduanya. Banyak perubahan dalam album yang diberi judul ‘Perasaanku’ ini, selain penampilan terlihat lebih dewasa, perubahan isi lagu juga lebih terlihat dalam album ke dua ini.

Bagaimana proses pembuatan Album pria yang bernama lengkap Alexander Liaw Dalon Thamrin ini, berikut petikan wawancaranya dengan indonesiaselebriti.com saat launching album keduanya yang diberi judul 'Perasaanku'.

IS : Mengapa begitu lama sekali pembuatan album kedua ini, kendalanya apa?
D : Karena dalam pembuatan album ini, saya benar-benar mempersiapkan dengan matang, memilih lagu dan musisi yang tepat supaya albumnya lebih terlihat bagus.

IS : Selama 4 tahun tidak mengeluarkan album, kegiatan apa saja yang kamu lakukan?
D : Selama 4 tahun itu aku banyak melakukan program on air, off air, masih tetap nyanyi, dan pergi ke luar negri.

IS : Dalam album perasaanku ini, sepertinya warna musik dan lagu-lagu hampir sama dengan Josh Groban, bagaimana menurut anda ?
D : Kebetulan Josh Groban penyanyi idolaku, tapi menurutku album ini lebih bernuansa pop. Kalau orang mau menyamakan dengan Josh Groban, ya aku bangga banget.

IS : Banyak perubahan dalam album perasaanku ini, terutama dari penampilan kamu. Mengapa ingin berubah?
D : Penampilan aku sesuaikan dengan lagu-lagunya, sebelumnya aku juga diskusi dengan produserku. Aku hanya ingin berubah saja, biar publik melihatnya tidak bosan.

IS : Dapat ide dari mana untuk merubah penampilan kamu, terutama dengan gaya rambut seperti ini?
D : Aku dapat ide dari sebuah majalah network, dan aku coba ternyata bagus banget.

IS : Apakah dalam keseharian kamu nanti, ingin berpenampilan seperti ini terus dengan rambut klimis?
D : Yaa tidaklah, ini hanya untuk cover album saja, kalau untuk sehari-sehari dan show tidak seperti ini.

IS : Menurut kamu dalam album ini, lagu mana yang paling susah proses pembuatannya?
D : Menurutku yang berjudul 'terbalik', karena harus benar-benar mendalami liriknya. Kebetulan aku belum pernah mengalaminya.

IS : Dari kedua album yang sudah kamu keluarkan, semuanya menguatkan kalau kamu pria yang penuh cinta. Tapi mengapa sampai saat ini kamu belum menemui cinta itu?
D : Tidak tahu nih susah banget mencari wanita yang mau dicintai, padahal tidak ada kriteria tertentu bagiku.

IS : Menjelang usia tiga puluh ini, ada ketakutan tidak mengenai masalah pendamping hidup?
D : Aku tidak pernah takut sama umur, apalah arti umur. Yang penting aku tetap berjiwa muda.

IS : Mengapa cover album ini dominan berwarna putih?
D : Putih melambangkan suci, tidak neko-neko.

IS : Menurut kamu, dalam beberapa lagu dialbum ini ada yang mewakili perasaanmu tidak?
D : Lagu yang berjudul ‘Indah Pada Waktunya’, sampai detik ini liriknya cocok dengan perasaanku itu.

D : Karena dalam pembuatan album ini, saya benar-benar mempersiapkan dengan matang, memilih lagu dan musisi yang tepat supaya albumnya lebih terlihat bagus.

IS : Selama 4 tahun tidak mengeluarkan album, kegiatan apa saja yang kamu lakukan?
D : Selama 4 tahun itu aku banyak melakukan program on air, off air, masih tetap nyanyi, dan pergi ke luar negri.

IS : Dalam album perasaanku ini, sepertinya warna musik dan lagu-lagu hampir sama dengan Josh Groban, bagaimana menurut anda ?
D : Kebetulan Josh Groban penyanyi idolaku, tapi menurutku album ini lebih bernuansa pop. Kalau orang mau menyamakan dengan Josh Groban, ya aku bangga banget.

IS : Banyak perubahan dalam album perasaanku ini, terutama dari penampilan kamu. Mengapa ingin berubah?
D : Penampilan aku sesuaikan dengan lagu-lagunya, sebelumnya aku juga diskusi dengan produserku. Aku hanya ingin berubah saja, biar publik melihatnya tidak bosan.

IS : Dapat ide dari mana untuk merubah penampilan kamu, terutama dengan gaya rambut seperti ini?
D : Aku dapat ide dari sebuah majalah network, dan aku coba ternyata bagus banget.

IS : Apakah dalam keseharian kamu nanti, ingin berpenampilan seperti ini terus dengan rambut klimis?
D : Yaa tidaklah, ini hanya untuk cover album saja, kalau untuk sehari-sehari dan show tidak seperti ini.

IS : Menurut kamu dalam album ini, lagu mana yang paling susah proses pembuatannya?
D : Menurutku yang berjudul 'terbalik', karena harus benar-benar mendalami liriknya. Kebetulan aku belum pernah mengalaminya.

IS : Dari kedua album yang sudah kamu keluarkan, semuanya menguatkan kalau kamu pria yang penuh cinta. Tapi mengapa sampai saat ini kamu belum menemui cinta itu?
D : Tidak tahu nih susah banget mencari wanita yang mau dicintai, padahal tidak ada kriteria tertentu bagiku.

IS : Menjelang usia tiga puluh ini, ada ketakutan tidak mengenai masalah pendamping hidup?
D : Aku tidak pernah takut sama umur, apalah arti umur. Yang penting aku tetap berjiwa muda.

IS : Mengapa cover album ini dominan berwarna putih?
D : Putih melambangkan suci, tidak neko-neko.

IS : Menurut kamu, dalam beberapa lagu dialbum ini ada yang mewakili perasaanmu tidak?
D : Lagu yang berjudul ‘Indah Pada Waktunya’, sampai detik ini liriknya cocok dengan perasaanku itu.

Angelina Jolie: I'm always honest with my kids

Actress says her children can talk to her about anything

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Angelina Jolie has revealed that she and partner Brad Pitt are always open and truthful with their children.

The actress wants to raise her family to be upfront and honest.

‘We tell them everything,’ she says. ‘We’re honest with them. My mother was that way with me.’

Angelina, 33, and Brad, 44, have 6 children – adopted kids Maddox, 7, Pax Thien, 4, Zahara, 3, and biological children Shiloh, 2, and 4-month-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

She says one of the things they discuss is their diverse backgrounds and cultures.

‘We talk about orphanages, we talk about their countries and differences, and it’s a source of excitement and pride,’ she tells The Sunday Times.

‘I [hope] they can talk to me about everything. And by the time they get to be teenagers we’ll have formed a sufficient bond.’

Drew Barrymore dating Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick?

Drew welcomes everyone and talks about her upcoming plans for the website and all of the exciting happenings in her life. Enjoy!

Play Video

Also, be sure to check out these videos from friends of Drew:

Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy talks about SNL, working with Drew, and his big break. Coming soon, Jimmy tells us about getting engaged, embarassing moments, and more!

Geldof 'to divorce after 96 days'

Geldof 'to divorce after 96 days'

By Michael Thornton

Geldof 'to divorce after 96 days'

Rex Features
Peaches Geldof is to divorce husband Max Drummy after 96 days of marriage, reports claim.

Geldof married the American musician in August after a one-month romance. She has since admitted that the union is unlikely to last.

"Peaches is going to divorce Max. She woke up to realise the marriage was a huge mistake and that Max is not the man of her dreams," a source told the News Of The World.

"She doesn’t fancy him any more, and wants to move on. To her it is as simple as that. She just wants to divorce him and find a new boyfriend."

The source also claimed that Max is "heartbroken" by the news and genuinely believed the marriage was long-term, while Peaches's dad Bob Geldof is said to be delighted with her decision.